Saturday, January 8, 2005

How to improve web traffic?

It is a major task for most of the webmasters to get traffic to their site. The site content is the core for a quality site. The site's position against the various search engines for the targetted keywords plays a vital role in the site traffic. There are various factors to be considered for the search engine optimization.

If the site is listed in the first two pages of the Search Engine Result Position (SERP) the traffic to the site will increase. By following the below steps one can improve the SERP.

File Name
  • Provide proper file name. Use keywords in the file name.
  • In the file name, use hyphen in between words instead of under score.
  • The file name should be in lowercase.
  • Do not use abrevated words in the file names.
    • Wrong usage - applications-mgmt.html
    • Correct Usage- applications-management.html
  • All files should have the extension of .html
  • Check the title for the targeted keyword - exact keyword
  • The number of words in the title should not exceed 8 words or 80 charecters including spaces
  • Optimize the title for more keywords than any marketing words
  • Make sure that the title is complete. (do not dump keywords) Title tag should be as close to a readable sentance as possible to avoid problems.
  • Do not capture the Company name in the title.
  • Place the keywords at the begining of the Tag.
  • Each webpage should have its own title tag with its own keywords that related to the page.


  • The Heading should be under H1 Tag.(Do not use font, bold tags in the heading)
  • Capture the exact targeted keyword in the heading.
  • Sub-headings should be under H2.
  • Capture the targeted or related keywords in the sub-heading


  • Use the exact targeted keyword once / twice in the top 200 words.
  • Use the targeted keyword phrases effectively and do not repeate the keyword phrases more than 4-5 times in any page.
  • Try to include the keyword phrases within the hyperlink itself.
  • Try to include the keyword phrases in the text that immediately preceeds, or follows the hyperlink.

Images - Alt Tag

  • Use keywords for naming the image files.
  • Be sure to use the keyword phrases that are used in the the page, file name, title tag, meta description, and other tags.
  • Do not try to cram a bunch of keywords into the "alt" attribute. Use 2-3 keywords per image.
  • Describe the image - do not just list keywords.
  • The "alt" attribute is also a good place for plural keyword phrases that are not used elsewhere in a page.