Sunday, July 19, 2009

Google Announces its second Quarter Result - an analysis

Google announces its second quarter results and it shows the growth is 3%. The quarter on quarter growth is drastically down in the last three quarter(it is less than 20% in Q4 2008 and less than 10% in the first half of 2009).

The financial results for the last four years are available under the below links.

They are totally depending on AdWords revenue. AdWords customers are getting lesser ROI from AdWords as their AdWords content results are not bringing better results. Even though they are introducing more functionalities in Adwords, their quality is going down.

Google is also not getting any additional service which picked up recently. They have closed the magazine ads and TV ads. They are now concentrating on OS and browser to take up Microsoft share.

If AdCenter (Microsoft) takes a lift, they will have impact in their revenue. Also bing is taking attraction in the search industry.