Friday, October 3, 2008

Bailout Plan Approved by House

US House approved the bailout plan today on second try after the Senate approved it on Wednesday 1st Oct. House rejected the plan on Monday with 228 against and 205 in favor with the Republicans leading the opposition.

On 1st the Senate passed the bailout with 74-25. In the second try the house approved it by a vote of 263-171. Even this time, the Republicans more than 50% voted against and most Democrats voted in favor.
Supporters said the bailout was needed to prevent economic collapse; opponents said it was hasty, ill-conceived and risked too much taxpayer money to help Wall Street tycoons, while providing no guarantees of success. In the Senate, lawmakers who opposed the plan on Wednesday warned that it still did not address the root problems in the American financial system, including lax regulation.

In spite of getting criticism from many politicians, pundits and citizens on the left and right, the bailout bill is passed to calm the unstable economy.

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