Sunday, September 4, 2011

Google is aggressive in Acquisition

Google has been very aggressive in acquiring companies in different domain. Last week they acquired "Zave Networks" a digital coupon company. Already Google has "Google Offers" to compete with Groupon, adds Zave Networks to strengthen the service in that domain.

This year Google already acquired 18 companies. This is the second max. acquisition in any year (in 2010 it acquires 27 companies). They are acquiring companies in different domain. The major acquisition this year includes, Motorola Mobility (Android), AdMeld (online Advertising), BeatThatQuote (Price Comparison), Deal Map.

Last year they acquired ITA Software (online flight booking), (Visual Search Engine), (Social Gaming) etc.

Google is proving that instead of developing in-house products/services, by acquiring companies that are strong in a particular domain, they can broaden their product line. As Google culture is always better than other companies, they are not getting any major issue in that area. In addition, they are doing more acquisition, and so they are becoming expert in addressing the culture problem. 

They are moving clearly in all directions and are going to be the most successful company for next few decades. 


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