Friday, September 19, 2008

Organic Search Position Using Google API

Google had the SOAP API (Google's First API), for finding the organic keyword position. It was stopped in Dec. 2006 and they recommend Ajax API as alternate to the SOAP API. We are using the Soap API (They are still supporting the old SoapAPI users) and we are storing almost 1000 keywords position (alternate days data only) Using Soap API, we can get data for any no. of pages and we will get it from the google data centers.

We can get the data and can store it in DB. But max. of 1000 queries only can be accessed from one key. We can compare the keyword positions over a period and this helped us a lot on SEO perspective. Lot of companies started using it for both personal and commercial purposes.

Now using the Ajax API, there are lot of limitations.
  • You can not go for server side queries.
  • We can query max. of 32 positions only.
  • The results will be fetched similar to your browser search.
  • You will see Google Ads in the results.
  • It comes with Google branding.
But Ajax API has more powerful features, including access to Video, Maps, Blog Search, and New search results.

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