Wednesday, September 17, 2008

World Economy Collape

Major financial/insurence institutions are in danger and it begins with the fall of Lehman and Merill acquired by Bank of America recently. "The worst of the financial crisis may still lie ahead and more major financial institutions may face trouble in coming months" IMF director general Dominique Strauss-Kahn said today.

Global European Anticipation Bulletin says the Euro will move up to 1.75USD by end of 2008. Today the US market status is showing that it is going to happen. But Fed. is trying to keep the dollar value high compared to the other currencies. This shows that they are purposely keeping it high for the US presidential election. Immediately after the election, the dollar value will fall.

According to GEAB N'27 - "The world plunges into the heart of the global systemic crisis" the main title of the GEAB's June edition.
the specific nature and conditions – as they are described in this 27th issue of the GEAB – of the wide-scale manipulation of the US currency index that the US Treasury Department has been operating since the last week of July 2008, with the active support of the US Federal Reserve's « Primary Dealers » and the central banks of China and most probably of Japan and Europe, have convinced our researchers that, besides the fact that it was temporary, the upturn was in fact the sign that the collapse of the dollar system we have been living in since 1945 was gaining momentum.

There will be a big impact for the whole world and for US it is going to be a disaster after 1945's. Europe, Asia and the rest of the world will be affected at various levels and will experience some economic slowdown.

US debt corrected for inflation (in year 2000 dollars) - Source: US National Debt Clock

US debt corrected for inflation (in year 2000 dollars) - Source: US National Debt Clock

In this issue of the GEAB (N°27), details the mechanisms at work in this large manipulation of the dollar index orchestrated by US and Chinese authorities. They also anticipate the disastrous outcome of this operation which contributed to accelerate the ongoing process of disintegration of the US and global financial system. Panic now reigns in Washington (and New York) as much as in Beijing, and the consequences over the next 12 months have become very predictable in the eyes our researchers.

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